Dr. Fox currently lives in Minnesota and uses only email for communication, (rarely telephone) and would prefer drums and healing smoke signals. He has unsubscribed from Farcebook and never Tweets but Howls for wolves and joins with all like Dylan Thomas to “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” He abhors Smart Phones because of the yet-to-be-determined global harms of non-ionizing radiation such devices are connected to and addict us in a spreading miasma of microwaves.

So please send all mail via our floundering USPS to Dr. Michael W. Fox c/o Andrews McMeel Universal, 1130 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO 64106. Or save some trees and postage stamps and email animaldocfox@gmail.com. The volume of mail prohibits personal replies to animal health and behavioral problems but selected letters, with writer’s initials and city of residence, of general interest and insight will be published in the Animal Doctor column.



Mailing Address

Dr. Michael W. Fox c/o Andrews McMeel Universal, 1130 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO 64106